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the big mistake

Between You And The Big Mistake – Investing in 12 Pictures

Back in December of 2014 Carl Richards at Behavior Gap was gracious enough to share twelve of his best graphics with anyone that wanted them for absolutely no charge.  His hope was that folks in the  financial services industry could take these images and use them to convey the importance of using a disciplined process to reach your investing goals.

I've taken Carl's images and used them to explain how to systematically approach investing based on these twelve pictures.

Investing in Twelve Pictures (pictures one through eleven):

Hopefully they will help at least one individual take the necessary steps to reach their personal, professional, and financial goals.  Without further ado, picture number twelve...

Between You And The Big Mistake

An Advisor Can Help You Avoid Mistakes


Today we come to the final of our twelve pictures.  The one I have entitled “Between You and The Big Mistake”.  Study after study has shown that investors perform better when they partner with an advisor (google “Dalbar Study” or “investor performance vs investment performance”  to see the details yourself).   I have two theories on why investors using advisors outperform those that do not use advisors.

The first theory focuses around the “time, knowledge, discipline” hypothesis:

  • If you are to be successful as an investor, you need to invest adequate time, ensure that you understand how investing works in concert with your financial plan, and have the discipline to develop and adhere to an explicit investment strategy. written It states:

The second theory focuses around the “bouncer, teacher, coach” hypothesis

  • If you are to be successful as an investor you need to have someone fill the roles of bouncer (i.e. one that keeps the “investment rif-raf” out of your portfolio), teacher (i.e. someone that can explain to you the complexities of investing and financial planning), and coach (i.e. someone that can keep you focused on the game plan).

Richards picture suggests that for many the advisor is the key to protecting the investor from “the big mistake”.

Do you need a financial advisor to be successful as an investor?  Absolutely not.  My theories support the following alternatives to hiring an advisor:

  • You will be successful if you have the necessary time, knowledge and discipline to implement an investment strategy.
  • You will be successful if you can act as your personal bouncer, teacher, and coach.

However, if you lack time, knowledge or discipline; or, if you cannot act as your own bouncer, teacher, or coach, you might consider working with a financial advisor.

To help you in choosing an advisor, I’ve attached a link to a copy of NAPFA (National Association of Personal Financial Advisors) “Field Guide to Selecting a Financial Advisor” as well as a link to my firm’s answers to the questions that NAPFA encourages you to ask the advisors you are considering

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Would You Like More Support?

  • Do you have a well-defined Investment Policy Strategy that is used to drive your investments in support of a comprehensive financial plan?

  • If not, would you like to partner with someone who is used to helping people get through these struggles and (then, with confidence) implement portfolio strategies in a systematic manner while focusing on your desired outcomes?

If so, feel free to send us an email or give us a call. We’d love to have the opportunity to help you find a bit more peace of mind when it comes to investing. 

F5 Financial

F5 Financial is a fee-only wealth management firm with a holistic approach to financial planning, personal goals, and behavioral change. Through our F5 Process, we provide insight and tailored strategies that inspire and equip our clients to enjoy a life of significance and financial freedom.

F5 Financial provides fee-only financial planning services to Naperville, Plainfield, Bolingbrook, Aurora, Oswego, Geneva, St. Charles, Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Lisle, Chicago and the surrounding communities; to McDonough, Henry County, Fayette County, Atlanta and the surrounding communities; to Venice, Sarasota, Fort Myers, Port Charlotte, Cape Coral, Osprey, North Port, and the surrounding communities; and nationally.

We'd love to have the opportunity to hear about your situation. Contact us here to schedule an appointment for a consultation.

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Curt Stowers

Curt Stowers

Curtis Stowers helps individuals and families across the United States grow their financial assets, particularly in the Naperville, IL region. He is a Certified Financial Planner, holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Illinois, and is the founder of F5 Financial.