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Monday Morning Motivation – Emotional

(Sharing Resources to Help You Grow Personally, Professionally & Financially)

Sometimes it helps to get a little dose of encouragement — along with a good cup of coffee! — to start the day.

Hopefully the message below will help you get off to a good start for the week.  Please feel free to forward the newsletter on to others that you think would benefit from the content.


Over the last few years I have spent a lot of time studying and learning about relationships.  Learning about what leads to a strong connection between individuals.  For the month of October I’m going to take on the issue of connections.  I’ll be talking about the effect of the emotional mind, the rational mind, and the wise mind.  How validation ties all three of these together; and, finally, how when these four things come together successfully the result is that of connection.  My hope is that at the end of the month, you will have a better understanding of why you think and act the way you do, why others think and act the way they do, and how to leverage this understanding to improve your relationships – personally, professionally, and spiritually.

This week I’m going to take on the topic of the emotional mind.  We ALL have an emotional side to our brain – yes even those weird critters known as engineers (of which I am one)!

While we would like to think that we do not let our emotions come into play very often, the reality is that our emotions are ALWAYS with us.  A very wise friend of mine went so far as to say that everything we perceive must first pass through the filter of our emotions.

Think about that for a moment.

If everything that you experience is passing through an emotional lens, there are huge implications!  Depending on what sort of experiences we have had the past week, day or month – not to mention the entire collection of life experiences we harbor – the current situation that we face can be MASSIVELY influenced by our emotions.

Does that mean that we are doomed?  Hardly, it just means that we need to recognize that our emotions are real and that they will likely have an impact on the way we perceive and respond to a situation.
The key is NOT to let your emotions rule your life.  When this happens things get ugly!

Emotions are VERY good things. They allow us to experience and enjoy life.  However, they MUST be recognized, understood, and rationalized with (more on this next week).

That brings us to this week’s question:

  • Are you aware of the emotional side of your mind?

Thanks for sharing a bit of your time with me this Monday morning and I wish you all the best for the week.


(Note:  Each week I publish “Monday Morning Motivation” in the hopes that one person will find a bit of inspiration and that inspiration will have a positive impact on their life.  My motivation comes from experiences, reading, sermons, and discussions.)


Blog posts from this past week:

At F5 Financial Planning we focus on helping individuals and families find balance between faith, friends and family, fitness and finance.  We make sure that they have the financial freedom to enjoy those things in life that are important to them.  And while we believe the left-brain facts and data are critical; we work with our clients to get them in the right state of mind to focus on the goals they want to achieve.

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Curt Stowers

Curt Stowers

Curtis Stowers helps individuals and families across the United States grow their financial assets, particularly in the Naperville, IL region. He is a Certified Financial Planner, holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Illinois, and is the founder of F5 Financial.