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Monday Morning Motivation – Scared

(Sharing Resources to Help You Grow Personally, Professionally & Financially)

Sometimes it helps to get a little dose of encouragement — along with a good cup of coffee! — to start the day.

Hopefully the message below will help you get off to a good start for the week.  Please feel free to forward the newsletter on to others that you think would benefit from the content.


Remember when you were a wee little tike and the lights went out, the noises in your bedroom become loud, and you were sure that there was something lurking in the room that was going to get you?  Then you got a little older and realized that there was nothing to be scared about in the night.

Now that you’re an adult you’re SO much smarter and scared about what people think, what’s going on with your kids, and how you’re going to pay the bills.  What’s the chance that ten, twenty, thirty years from now you will look back upon what is currently scaring you and conclude it is not scary at all?

Bronnie Ware is a care giver that has spent a lot of time with folks that were on their deathbed.  She pulled together her list of “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying”

  1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me
  2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard
  3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings
  4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends
  5. I wish I had let myself be happier

I think I can sum up the list even more succinctly:

  • I wish I hadn’t allowed myself to be scared

My challenge for you today is:

  • Is it worth your time to go through life being scared?

Thanks for sharing a bit of your time with me this Monday morning and I wish you all the best for the week.


Blog posts from this past week:


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Curt Stowers

Curt Stowers

Curtis Stowers helps individuals and families across the United States grow their financial assets, particularly in the Naperville, IL region. He is a Certified Financial Planner, holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Illinois, and is the founder of F5 Financial.