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Finding A Financial Advisor Even Your Mom Could Trust

You’ve come to the conclusion that you need the help of a financial advisor.  Multiple friends have given you “their guys” name.   You’re confused and overwhelmed.   You don’t want to make the wrong choice and you’re worried that you may inadvertently hire the next Bernie Madoff. Sound familiar?  That’s not surprising at all.  For most…

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Cash Out Your Stock Options?

With the stock market reaching new highs on a regular basis, the question of what to do with stock options is weighing heavily on many individual’s minds.  While each individual’s situation is unique, there are some factors that you should consider as you make this decision: What is your plan? Decisions regarding the sale or…

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Costs Matter – Understanding ALL of the Costs

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Costs matter. Whether you’re buying a car or selecting an investment strategy, the costs you expect to pay are likely to be an important factor in making any major financial decision. Read on to learn about key cost areas that you need to consider when selecting investments to include in your portfolio.

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