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Is it Time to Sell?

volatility, stock market, Investing | F5 Financial helps clients create strong investment strategies.

All too often I hear, “Should I sell, or should I hold?” That’s the wrong question to be asking. Read on to find out the right question!

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Quarterly Market Review – Fourth Quarter 2021

Quarterly Market Review – Fourth Quarter 2021 | F5 Financial is a fee only wealth management firm with a holistic approach to financial planning, personal goals, and behavioral change.

Once per quarter, we roll up our sleeves and take a deeper dive into what’s happened in the stock market. Take a look at the attached presentation if you’d like to view the recap for Oct. – Dec. 2021.

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Perspectives in the Panic

Coronavirus is the stock market's black swan event.

Welcome to 2020—where black swans ride rollercoasters! Read on to hear our perspective on recent market volatility and coronavirus.

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Costs Matter – Understanding ALL of the Costs

costs, dfa info, F5 financial, f5 financial planning, long-term investing, naperville financial, naperville financial planner, longterminvesting, investments, investing, stockmarket, indexfunds, mutualfunds, financialplanning

Costs matter. Whether you’re buying a car or selecting an investment strategy, the costs you expect to pay are likely to be an important factor in making any major financial decision. Read on to learn about key cost areas that you need to consider when selecting investments to include in your portfolio.

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